By wordley Date: 2002 Apr 25 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
You've been out again today, out with HIM How do I know??.... I have my spy I know which motel you use, just over the rim Of this valley in which I sit and cry I know you haven't been back long, around ten minutes, I think You say you've spent hours cooking...that's wrong! As I tip this instant muck down the sink. You didn't like all those hours spent Every night I went down to the garage, Putting her together, every panel un-bent On that beautiful Rolls-Royce Camargue. I gave her to you, a gift from me After her found her wrapped in rust I spent hours re-forming her original glory Weeks and months spent removing layers of dust. We shared a lot of secrets, that little lady and I, As you went off every night on your own, And I told her I suspected you were playing the field As around me her steel-fingered glove had grown. Now all I need is to check the miles, 62, that's right, Takes you to that dive "The Lover's Trist" Thirty one there and thirty one back Sure adds up to me, and on this back seat you kissed, And who know's what else, and who with It's been a few, of that I'm fairly sure, I've seen the footmarks, the burns, the stains The evidence of events not quite so pure You ask on what I base all this, My dear, I thought I'd made it clear My witness sits there on the drive, MY real true love She I know will never leave me lonely here, You've been back ten minutes, just how do I know? I listen to her gently cooling heart Her manifolds sing gently in a tinkling melody The notes are now just seconds apart. I know from experience how long she takes to cool, Having driven her to fever pitch and more, Have felt her response, her power within my hands Have felt her turbine smoothness sing and soar, No more will I desire that which others have abused I have no need to grope or there to be With my duster and my cleaner, i'll hold a much purer form My beloved "Spirit of Ecstacy"!!! |