By Cyan
Date: 2002 May 12
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To the one who got away

  I envision you at midday when he's not around. I dare not let him see the joyful expression that he alone could never give me. I even think of you at midnight when he's holding me. When he kisses me it's your face I see. When he speaks that 3 worded phrase, it's your voice I long to hear.

  You say you love her, but you don't have that passion you and I once possessed. I suppose we could have an affair (everyone else is doing it, so why can't we). To be quite honest I can think of many reasons why we shouldn't, but I find myself questioning those reasons more and more each day.

  It's a pity for two former lovers to need each other as much as we do or should I say "want" each other. Whatever the case may be, we cannot act out our desires. Our yearning for each other doesn't justify hurting the people we vowed to cherish until our dying day.

  So I'll keep thinking of you at midday and at midnight. And i will never tell him how much you mean to me. No matter what you where to me in the past, he means much more now. We married for a reason and afterall, an ex is an ex for a reason. I doubt that reason would ever go away if you and I where to ever be together.

  I'll think of you at midday and at midnight...........