By Cyan
Date: 2002 May 20
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Distance and Complexity

Miles of cold air between us
and I reach for warm shadows
of a hand

Mordern devices of communication-
not enough to fill the void

Nothing compares to human presence
where eye contact and facial expressions
actually meet and our bodies-
a hair's breadth away

There is a wall between us
Not only a wall of distance
but of something much more complicated
It confines us to the boundaries
of friendship when it seems there
should be so much more

You are bound to something eternal
and I have yet to find my soul mate

The complexity I can take, but I fear
the distance is a bit too much

How long can a bond so cold last?
I don't know, but hope overwhelms me
when I realize how strong the bond is

I wonder what would have happened if we
met when there was no wall standing in our way
But everything happens for a reason, and maybe
this wall is a good thing

What we have is purely emotional
There is no lust or passion feared to be lost
It cannot be defined. It just is.

We all need a circle outside the box of our lives
and I have found mine