By Laurel Ahlfeld
Date: 2002 May 21
Comment on this Work


	I know this may sound really strange, but how am I supposed to feel? I mean, usually when 

you ask someone how they are, you expect a "fine" or "okay." (beat) What if I'm tired of 

pretending with you? Seriously, you ask that as if you never cared about me, or I shouldn't be the

least bit confused about where I stand with you. How could I not be? Maybe I'm reading something 

wrong, but when you still wear the ring I gave you and talk about wanting to see me, I assume 

there's still something keeping us together. So, why is it I'm here now wondering if it's okay or 

not to tell you how much I love that color of clue on you, or that that's my favorite shirt of 

yours? And is it wrong for me to miss how the smell of your cologne hangs in the air hours after 

you've left? I don't even know if it's alright to call you when I miss your voice, or even when I 

don't want to talk to anyone else but you. That is not normal! And what am I supposed to do with 

this card I bought for you? It's already filled out and everything, but I can't exactly leave it 

on your car anymore.(beat) I guess I'm just not sure if I'm allowed to care or not, because when 

we decided to "detitle" ourselves, nothing was supposed to change about how we felt. 

But nothing doesn't change.