By Cyan
Date: 2002 Jun 05
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Dear Diary

April 2, 2002

      Dear Diary,
            My soul is at ease. I have found the conquerer of me. He has fought for love and I have surrendered. Your pages are filled with wailing rhetoric. Pink paper stained with blue ink- telling of life's agony. There are days coming in the distance and I will tell more secrets-words which are not to be heard by another. They are the hidden voices that ly within. You have been my comfort, but the time has come to put my pen away. I will tell of my joys in near future occasions. Nevertheless, I need you not as I did before. I lay my writing hand to rest for the moment that is now, for my soul is at ease. Shadows of dark gloom has given way to more precious visions. He holds me in the night. I am floating on moon's circle. The stars shine in my spirit and pour light in the midnight sky. His kisses are much more potent. I succumb as they touch thirsty lips and embrace famished skin. Hands feel and caress a sore heart. He is the other half of my being. I am whole again. Like an infant in her crib, I have no fears. I know only that tomorrow is another precious day. I see snowflakes, rainbows, sunsets, waves crashing, children laughing, lovers kissing. All things great I have in my possesion. This is the emotion of love I'm grazing your pages with. Forgive me if I seem high. I am floating on air. The inside of me is swarming with butterflies. They tickle my belly and I giggle in reply. This conquerer of me, the captain of my soul, the tyrant of my fate-has me captive. It is a captivity better than freedom. Freedom from his love is death to all I am. My wind blows into a new direction. I am a different person than before. I have become what he has made me.