By splatipus
Date: 2002 Jun 06
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'We can still be friends......'

You were the first to break my heart
Do you remember?
We were still at school.
I was at the girls grammar, and you at the boys just down the road.
We were both doing our D of E Award; our schools ran it jointly.
We met on that Cookery course.
One of the boys always wanted to make eggy bread
Do you remember?

I fancied you from the start.
I thought you looked like a skinnier version of Kevin Bacon with your tufty sticky-up hair.
I had a thing about him after seeing Footloose.
Remember how we always used to listen to the soundtrack on our Walkmans as we walked down the road holding hands. We'd act out the Walkman scene where Kevin was trying to teach his friend how to dance.
We'd boogie on down the road.
Do you remember?

Anyway, I digress.
I hadn't been particularly enthusiastic about having to do the cookery course. But after seeing you there it became the highlight of my week.
The first few weeks we didn't really speak, but I couldn't stop watching you as you made your dishes across the classroom.
I wrote your name over all my exercise books at school and drove my mates crazy by constantly going on about you.
Then we started walking back to town together after the course as a group and I always tried to walk next to you.
One night we started talking and I liked you even more.
One night I felt confident enough to get one of my mates to do the "My friend wants to go out with you" thing and that was it.
We started going out.

Remember how you used to come and meet me as I walked down the lane from my village to your house. I'd always phone you so that we could set off walking at the same time and meet halfway.
Remember how we'd always start grinning when we caught sight of each other?
Remember how we'd take it in turns to phone each other every night and then talk for ages. My mother used to start shouting out how many minutes I'd been on the phone and what size her bill was going to be, so we'd have to start our 'who's putting the phone down first' goodbye ritual.
Remember how we got a couple of our friends together as well and we'd all go ice-skating or meet up at someone's house to watch a video. That was really an excuse to sit on sofas and kiss for hours wasn't it?

Then one night you didn't phone.
I sat waiting for hours and then before it was too late, I phoned you.
You were friendly, but I could tell that something was wrong
The next day at school I heard from one of my mates that you were going to finish with me when we met at the cookery class that evening.
I sat in the toilets at break-time crying my eyes out.
Apparently your mother thought that you were neglecting your studies because of me. You were in the year above and had exams coming up and was predicted straight A's, so she told you to finish with me.
The bitch.

I'd have understood if we'd had to cut down our time together so that you could revise. Surely, if you'd felt the same way about me as I did about you, you would have argued that point. But no, you agreed to do what she said and finish it completely.

I couldn't believe it and I was devastated.
We'd been together 3 months and in 'school-day' terms that was a long relationship.

I remember waiting for you outside your school before the cookery class.
When I saw you coming I had the worst butterflies, I felt sick.

"Sally says your going to finish with it true?"
You wouldn't or couldn't look at me.
"yeah.....but we can still be friends"

That line, that standard line that we always used as teenagers.
As if it was a fucking consolation prize.
"We can still be friends". Oh well, that's all right then, that makes everything a whole lot better, my heart would have been broken so much more if you'd wanted to be enemies.

I didn't go to the cookery class that evening.