By the guppy
Date: 2002 Jun 08
Comment on this Work

don't be hard, be harder


ache then
you wanted a taste of love
now go ahead and swallow it
is this the slow grinding pain you've always dreamt of?
Delores near
but not near enough
or would you opt for the pushbutton panic of Alice?

this life has polluted your vocabulary
the classy gent you were is dead
dignity is laughable
truly laughable
truly a shame

your conjurations have thickened onto you
like a rind
you are a melon
and you dislike that thought

you are a melon who has voluntarily dove into a blender
only to struggle to avoid the blades
with some ridiculous pride about the visible side
not being scarred at all
bobbing at the surface
speaking loud
to drown out the buzz from below
nobody needs to know

Delores isn't where you are
she's near
and that's your fault
she's dignified
she's saving you
from the classless whores
she sees
that adore you

Alice is struggling with redemption
her burden is you
no matter what she says about it
she is wounded
her legs dangle into the blades as she stepladders you
she only wants you to smile more often
and make love to her
she feels she is failing

inspect this situation closely, Merlin
your dignity has become bullshit
do not be proud of that
you are doubletalk personified
that is not interesting

you've asked for my advice
and here it is
do everything you can to not be what you are
paste a Mr. Yuck sticker on your forehead
and don't think about it beyond that
you're used to the struggle already
just change the angle

thank your parents for being horny the night you were conceived

you are an unplanned passion child, but don't let that muddy your sense of purpose

your friend,