By Cyan
Date: 2002 Jun 10
Comment on this Work

Humorous Contentions

Who would have thought the nape
of the neck could hold such
sexual competence.
I myself think it holds a soft
notion of lustful appeal.
Who would have known the hand
of a lover may bring pleasure
by rubbing the arch of one's feet.

Isn't it funny the way a nibble of
the ear causes passion to rise?
How amusing that holding hands can
be more intimate than bodies touching.

Witty is it how we pay too close
attention to cleavage of the chest
and what lies in between muscled thighs.

Nonsexual objects of the body-
far too often ignored

I must admit I sometimes forget
the sexual, paying too close attention
the the non-sexual,

Until my lover touches me there,
and I die laughing.