By Cyan
Date: 2002 Jun 17
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Art of Silence

I see you standing there
with a hand in your pocket,
leaning against a tree with
your head tilted back. You seem
pleasingly at peace with yourself
I long to be pulled into that infinite
space of happiness you possess.

You say nothing, only air
escapes your lips, yet I see
a thousand words written on your face,
holding a prophetic muse of pleasant
moments not too far away.

I wish to paint your expressions
with soft tones and light hues
to mirror the image in your gaze.
You are my subject of the hour.
I wish to chip off the daunting
past i know lies within you and
sculpt a beautiful hereafter.

My mind comes back to myself
and i see laughter walking
along the grass. You grab the
hands of two feminine jewels-
one taller than the other.
I color my expressions with fiery
red, symbolizing envious pain.