By muryan
Date: 2002 Jun 17
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Thrill Ride

I would like to think you could be the one
To banish all thoughts of him.
That you could fill this void in my heart
And replace his kiss on my lips.
Maybe my heart could belong to someone else
After all this time.
I could be free
In love again.
A friend my whole life,
You are already in my heart.
I already care more than I should,
Because you are simply toying with me.
I'm just someone to get your kicks off of.
Yet I can't stop
I can't keep away from you.
You are in my thoughts,
In my dreams
My heart.
I'm headed for disaster,
Signs all point to danger
You've become a drug that I can't quit
An addiction
And it's getting harder and harder to resist.
You'll consume me
Storm my defenses
Leave me empty.
A thrill ride on the Tower of Doom.