By Cyan
Date: 2002 Jun 19
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In your absence

As a child I'd sit and watch the clouds
floating above God's sphere: a perfect
blue ball with white puffy things, green
stuff below, and colorful people in between.
When the seasons passed I'd cry; my tears
fell to the ground beneath me. The rich earth
soaked the wetness and grew me flowers.
At that tender age my credence was infallibe-
of course God grew these flowers for me.

Then I grew older and I realized the flowers
weren't only for me, but the rain fell for
everyone. I cry still when the seasons pass.
I cry even more when I think of you. In the
springtime it rains more and the flowers grow
in abundance. I wonder if you notice them and
think of me when you do. I once knew a child
who thought the earth was a blue ball, until you
left, and took her with you.