By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Jun 21
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Online Journal

I have this online journal that I keep, and all I did in it at first was write about you. I thought it would do me good at first so I could get everything out, but I realized the only person reading it was me so I stopped. I made another one and i let people read it. Not at first, but eventually. Do you know who the first person was that i let read it? Your girlfriend (well, now ex-girlfriend). We had been slowly starting a friendship, and I felt as if I owed it to her. Like I was doing something wrong by not showing it to her. Then one day, I blew up about what you did to me and you saw my journal. My friend showed it to you. I think that made you hate me for awhile. I regret even writing it now, everyone got to see the bad side of me, my angry side. Nobody has ever see it until then. I think that is what made us stop talking all together. So I remember after a month or so, you started talking to me. Little things at first. You would tell me about how you hurt your wrist. ( I swear your clumsier than me, and thats hard to do.) and I would ask you about what you did to your hair. (nobody noticed but me) and we just slowly started building our friendship up again. Then the other day, I get online and i start to read your journal (by this point everyone and their brother has an online journal), and I see my name in it. As I was reading through it, it surprised me. You wrote about how you're sorry for how much you hurt me because you now know what it feels like. You said that even though I said it was ok, you'd still feel bad about it. Some people would say I shouldn't believe that, but I know you and I know you wouldn't say that unless you meant it. I think we've talked everyday since then. We've forgotten about the past. Sometimes I think about what would happen if we were to get back together again. Then I think that I'm enjoying becoming bestfriends with you again. And I'm enjoying, joking around and not having to worry if I'm actng stupid around you. So thanks, for being my best friend again.