By Ali and Eric...
Submitted by Ali
Date: 2002 Jun 25
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Emerald Iniquities

Green eyes flash like bright pieces of jaded, jagged glass.
Shining, and in an instant, all of her surroundings die.
Though sometimes the fear is worse than death,
Soaking through to the core.
But all of this is pure irrationality,
Almost unconstitutional, with regard to the heart.

These beliefs begin to swell, rise and fall with the tide,
And I cannot abide by yesterday's truth anymore.  Anyway--
It's useless to me now, for I am changed.  
Damaged beyond repair by your intelligence.

These cleverly constructed kisses, they may save me,
Destroy me, disembody, disembowel...It barely matters,
It shouldn't...Still, it does.
So take your toll on me, ravage me and then explain
That this was just a figment of our forbidden love.
My heart, deliverance.

Is it all really just pomp and circumstance?
Or is it pain? Supposedly.  Steadily becoming real...
Like the love that I found, but lost on the path to redemption
...a justifiable experience.

A fit occurrence for one lacking faith -- I decline false sainthood,
My shroud, my veil of innocence covers these iniquities.
But it is only these Emerlad City eyes
That speak the truth,
Whatever that is.