By Galadrial
Date: 2002 Jul 05
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little flower

that name bestowed in tender,
wraps me softly
in chamois soft touching,
holding me close
just to hear the beat of my heart.
My eyes look away,
not because I do not want you,
but because I do,
and I would not have your hand
forced by my need.
I do not want your kindness,
I do not want your pity---
but if there is some part of me
that has touched who you are,
and where you live deepest,
if the cadence of my blood
sounds like what you hear
waking or sleeping of your own,
if the sound of my voice,
the roll of my laughter,
or the quiet between us
fills the stillness that has no name
then the little flower will bloom
watered by the tears
of the heart friend
she called water brother,
before she dared to say the word love.