By Jon Date: 2002 Jul 08 Comment on this Work [[2002.]] |
went to see a comedian today typical black comedian Black people do things this way! And..... White people do things this way! Har har har! It's so funny how we are all soooo alike but different! And I hate that Amy Chao chick however the hell you spell her name Oh mesa talk in Chinese accent and you laugh! Har har har! Now me just bow ova and yew kick mah pride! Har har har! Okay okay it's not like I hate comedians even though most of them just point out the obvious I just hate the one's that base their entire routine on their race or culture background it's a cheap laugh in a way... i guess it's like my poetry pointing out the obvious except a lot cheaper only difference is after the punch line im the only one laughing har har har... |