By muryan
Date: 2002 Jul 10
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Thank You Note to the One I Love

I was sitting here, and of course I was thinking of you. Like I ever think of anyone else. Besides myself *grin* But seriously, I was thinking that, you may have broken my heart like two times. And, you know, it hurt. But I remember how much I really care about you, and how I really wish that you would come back, and I realize that it's okay. I know that you aren't coming back, and I think I'm finally okay with that. And I think that I can finally start looking for that 'special someone' again, see if I can't find him. And you know what, I have something to base my feelings on. If I start feeling about him the way I feel about you (not talking about the pain), then I will know that I love him. And I won't have to wonder. I just hope I realize it before I lose him. Heh, I guess what I'm trying to say, is thank you. Thank you for being the one I feel this way about. You are my first love, and I will probably always love you. Thank you for inspiring this feeling in me, because I would rather have loved you with the pain, than forgoing the love to miss the pain. I wouldn't have missed you for the world.