By jackryhme
Date: 2002 Aug 13
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can a man... have a fantasy...

can a man...have a fantasy...
not of sex defined
for I know of one so beautiful
would I bathe her in the kiss of milk
softest soap
whitest foam
would I wash her ever gentle
massage her soul to thickest suds
so much care over every inch
taking my time...
for more than life itself I love to sculpt
nothing else to satisfy passion so...
to find beauty incased in stone
every surface fingers know
so much better than eyes
so much...better...
for my fantasy so simple
to sculpt by touch alone
her from her covering
of softest softest soap
to reveal all her glory
to the memory of my hands alone
feel of her...her perfections
in memory of the sense of touch
within my hands her image caught
forever to redefine
all my hands will ever caress
for the rest of my allotted time
and when this bath be over
to dry her with so much care
like something I had truly made myself...
take her then to her bed
kiss her sleeping brow
and leave
with her perfection carried forever
within this mind
of the touch of hands