By leamas
Date: 2002 Aug 15
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I cannot feel how I feel, Can that make sense?
When I take those pills-those hate filled pills-I don't feel,
I know how I should feel but I can't taste my feelings on my tongue,
There is no substance to my emotions, they have become a prayer to a dead god.
Everything is hollow, nothing is real, just a shadow of what should be.
The only true emotions are: chaos, confusion and numbness.

I want to feel.
It is a terrible thing to have all or nothing-a travesty.
Existence becomes pointless.
The fruit of life is gone.
I have become a marionette-a cheap sock puppet.
A filthy, dirt covered carnival toy that keeps the audience attention but scares children.
I intrigue people by my sinful, fowl, soot covered life.
I dance an uncoordinated jerky dance,
Gyrate out of control to music no one can hear.
My mouth moves out of sync to words I care not to utter.
I trip on my words like a child with an oversized jump rope.
The noose of my emotional panic tightens,
As I try to connect with myself.
My unwanted apathy chokes my soul.
Regressing to the pains of childhood
The sensation of a crushed chest incapacitates me.
The ghost pain of someone standing on my chest appears
As I blunder and stumble through my emotional junkyard.

I cannot find my outlet-my medium.
"God, you bastard, let me understand myself!"
Release me from this prison.  WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!!?????
I am a captive of my own mind and my thoughts are my tormentors.
Why must I hate those who are free from this anguish?
I want to scream until my voice plugs every mind.
I need to flog to purify, to set my soul free from this excruciating pain.
Oh the pain,
I will never be at peace,
I despise my tortured soul,
This pain is all I will ever know,
This torment will drive me to my grave,
This hurt will guide me to my untimely death.