Miss Communication: "Hello, Mom!"
Hello ... h-e-l-l-o, Mom!
I've just had the worst day!
The cat's torn up my best drapes!
Company's coming! Friends!
I've over-cooked the chicken!
Why can't I cook like you?
Mom ...
I know we always
seem to have little time
to really talk ...
but I need you now.
I KNOW you don't
want to hear it again.
You know, (almost a whisper)
he's breaking my heart again.
Nevermind. Forget I said that.
I KNOW you don't
care for him,
but I've REALLY
never been happier.
Well, when he is
sooooo romantic, (sigh)
everything is soooooo
good between us.
Mom? (hummm)
Last week, he called
to take me to dinner
at my favorite restaurant.
It would have been
soooo romantic,
with candles and music,
if we'd been able to go.
I better get back to cooking dinner.
Hello? ... Mom?
I hope he makes it here this time
to meet my friends. He promised!
I have these lovely candles and wine,
and (sigh) over-cooked chicked!
Mom? You there ... Mom?
I need to go now ...
find my old glasses
to read one of your recipes.
Say "hello" to Dad for me!
MOM? ... MOM!
YES, dear? ...
I didn't know you wore glasses.
(c) 2002 Ali Cecilie Sonder aka Rennie Lorca
Which gets to you the worst:
a rough time with the romance OR the family? .. :)