How do I control this run-away heart,
put it in low-gear and stop the slide?
How do I get it off of this wild course,
take back the reins and enjoy the ride?
How do I level out this crashing plane,
land safely and come in on gentle glide?
How do I get from tossing ship to shore,
in spite of storms and these daily tides?
Oh, how do I get on in this love and life,
still attached to you and keep my pride?
(c) 1998-2002 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
I tell you, my old lover, you once took the key to my heart.
What can you, now ashes to ashes, ever hope to restart?
My true love is left to waste here, ready for death's cart.
Now no one can get to me and even take this mess apart.
You built a fortress daily in increments anew.
Filled sandbags for a wall blocking my view.
See how you've really left me sopped in grief?
YES, paying my dues to a demon love thief!
I've come to get the key back -- nice room.
Tell the devil he gave you a great view!
(c) 1998-2002 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
I want some time! (okay, in words you understand!)
For you, I need to become molten again? (you listening?)
It is the only way to fit your mold! (I think you nodded!)
Always me dancing between fire and ice,
Dreading to catch your notice,
Yet, attentive to your every whim.
You are brazen in your seduction.
You give me your best ovation.
Can you see my thoughts flee to him?
I light fire in you with my secular glance,
Irretrievable, irreverent, irrevocable.
Why am I drawn to your flame?
We haven't reached insurmountable.
Why can't he, earthly, proud, devoted ....
Why can't he draw me in the same?
(c) 1998-2002 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca