By Elaine Loraine d'Orgain aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Sep 05
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Lancelot and Elaine -- Torments

Grown tired of living life thru reflections,
and weary of only shadow-love.
Life glimpsed briefly with imperfections,
clad in sorrow alone and above.

Surely life has had its moments,
free of heartaches, grief and sorrows.
Now today we are cursed with torments,
knowing soon there will be no 'morrow.

Lancelot and Elaine -- The Curse

Heart be still, my knight rides by.
To look at him would mean to die.

Let down my hair, slide back the chair.
Gaze out at him so glorious there.

This neverending love and cursed fate
Has reached all my poor heart can take

Lancelot and Elaine -- Rain

True love to no avail!
Wring hands, moan and wail!
The knight, he knows you not!

All this grief has brought you what?
Mad woman of Shalott!
Time to cast your lot.

Look out at your Lancelot.
Complete a curse forgot!
Yes, it rains, rains even in Camelot!

(c) 1998-2002 Elaine Loraine d'Orgain aka Rennie Lorca