By AnnLeigh Clair McGregor aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Sep 09
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In a world beset with rhyme and meter
and things held together with poetic glue,
a different beat counters with tragic love.
In an undercurrent it yanks, then flows,
tears and rips these sentences in two.

Like broken promises and robbers words
in pledges she thought he once made.
In great pick-up lines and convenient lies
that cannot be resolved by lady or judge,
she learned he just wanted to get her laid.

Oh, good sordid knight in shining armor,
hiding well a life her eyes failed to see.
The armor hid treachery in hard lessons.
The shield he carried reflected Medusa,
and he gifted her this mirror for her vanity.

With unpolished sword, he impaled her.
Left her worse than dead with no pride,
as her precious blood flowed like tears.
Then it ceased to flow in her veins as she
cradled and nurtured the child he denied.

There is no shining armor in this story,
only a loss and many nights left to cry.
No good knights or nights in fairytale time.
So many hurts for this fair former maiden,
some wish this time the dragon had won.

(c) 2002 AnnLeigh Clair McGregor aka Rennie Lorca