By jackryhme
Date: 2002 Sep 14
Comment on this Work
[[2002.]] M.editated S.arcasim

quietly the door moved on its own
open... more
to allow a dark presence more felt than seen
mist from the nighted air
stormed across the threshold bare
boiled through this opening
a solid wall of darkening
now the mists within the room
a churn and roil with unseen shapes
fed upon its very self
till nothing but a man remained
an in the instant the man revealed
hidden else within the room
erupted ball of hair and fangs
massive in its shape
insane of its rage
in the instant beyond the range of time
contact made between fur and flesh
locked in struggle hand and claw
eye locked eye
" where were you ?"
growled low the shape of fur and fang
as for the hundredth time the vampire thought
"a true bitch to have a werewolf for a wife."