By His Little Fullback
Date: 2002 Sep 19
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The Defendant

Innocent until proven guilty
Or that is how it is supposed to be
Some just take advantage
They play their games and expect to walk free
No evidence for a conviction
They smile and nod to the judge
Somehow they forget the people they have hurt
The hearts that they have broken
Lives that they ruined
But it is ok
What does it matter
They are free
At least they aren't behind bars
The prosecutor
The defender
The defendant
Judge and jury
The whole trial presents itself as a joke
Tears and wounded spirits
Name calling and accusations
Soon it will all be over
Just another stack of paper work
Another fleeting moment
Everyone back to their lives
Ignoring the lessons they should have learned
The prosecutor moves along
Judge and jury forget
The defendant back to his lover
The defender back to the defendant