By Ali
Date: 2002 Sep 22
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Of Crossing Lines

Hidden behind the accepted,
Wearing the sweet smile of innocence,
You haven't lost everything,
But you're so close,
And you just don't see it,
Perhaps you've lost more
Than you know,
Because this picture,
This horizon in front of you,
Is fading fast,
And changing colors faster,
And I can't sustain this imagined role
For much longer--
Do I dare to tear this down again?
Shatter the glass encased facade,
As I have done in the past,
On occasion,
For a moment,
But the consequences all seem
To send me straight to hell,
In one way or another,
And I don't know what to expect,
And these innocent eyes
That we both lately wear,
Don't seem to see so well, after all--
So take the truth that you hold
On your honey sweet tongue,
And kiss me, if only once,
With all of passions' impurity.

Disconnect your self-deception,
Remove all of the false pretenses,
And act as you would
If you had no obligations,
Or restrictions,
Self-imposed or otherwise,
Because I want to know
What you'd do with your heart,
If you would only give yourself
Even half a chance to know it,
To feel it,
Those emotions that run through you,
Coloring your thoughts,
Like crimson ink dropped into water,
Seeking solace in every drop
Of crystal clarity,
But only managing to confuse
And contaminate
Your sometimes naive mind--
Yes, I know that you swear aversion,
To dancing without the steps,
To crossing those blood drawn lines,
But I know better than to believe that,
Because sometimes you simply speak
Or remain silent,
Just to save face,
But that won't save you forever,
From the truth in you that you fear.
So why don't you take a chance,
Get into some trouble,
And drop this worn out act
Of human perfection,
Remove the mask that says
That you have never tasted
The Sweetness of the Wrong--
Oh yes my dear,
Let the truth be told
By one who knows it,
Even angels perfumed in innocence,
Have been known to sin.