By Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2002 Oct 14
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She had taken fading blooms of his pall
and renewed his love one last time
in this tiny sweetest scent and memories

with rose petals inside this sachet packet
love tucked inside satin, edged in silk, fine
like their love once grown and nurtured

fondling this small bundle in caresses
before placing it inside a lingerie drawer
between special things of lace, satin, silk

these delicate things he enjoyed on her
things that soon brought fire to his eyes
as she slipped beautiful in or out of them

or offered between kisses to have him
remove, sometimes even ripping lace
her treasure, to him as fragile as the lace

but knowing and proving herself strong
each time in their passion, in his arms
tonight her senses relive these memories

and this sachet passion scented lingerie
to be worn cupping, holding, closest
to her most intimate mind and body still

she feeling him wrapped once again
around her breasts and between thighs
as she slips into these scented things

drinks in the scent and feels them slide
across soft needy curves and memories
she can almost hear his moans and sighs

then looks to her vanity at fresh flowers
from a new lover who has more passion
than a sachet packet could ever contain

so alive, excited, she dresses quickly now
dabs perfume he enjoys, scent of needs
she can almost hear his moans and sighs

(c) 2002 Rennie Lorca