By lulu
Date: 2002 Oct 19
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change. it destroys and creates so many things.
it creates the fires in the hearts of lovers and the understanding
between friends, but eventually it is extinguished
and heartach sets in. out of all the things it
would demolish and steal away why did it have
to take you? i knew i was safe with you, i could see it in
your eyes, but you changed. your eyes once warm
and full of hope are now only cold emotionless empty circles. you were one
of the few people i could trust, one of the few i could depend on,
now your gone. i know you know i needed
you, i know you can see it in my face,or at least you
could before you changed. some say you've simply grown up,
others say its me that has changed, whatever the reason i wish
i could have prevented it. change has left me here
scared and alone wondering what happen? why has this happen?
how could you, a person so caring and loved, suddenly turn into such a calous creature?
the answer: change