By Liz
Date: 2002 Oct 27
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Rain, October

Rain was moving in in sheets,
so that it didn't appear to be drops of rain
but rather torrents of water tumbling
from the dark clouds above.  
The noise was beautiful, distracting,
a wash of sound unlike any I remember hearing,
it both frightened and thrilled me at the same time.  
A vertical ocean, falling.
I threw my head and my arms back
and let the pain of the water pelt and kiss my face,
the weather gathering me up like a greedy lover,
touching and washing over and around every part of me.
I closed my eyes against the sting,
but I opened my mouth to the elemental pull of nature,
water sluicing over my lips and down my chin,
and I let the force of nature do its work,
to try clear the confusion and the pain
and the awful tugging in my heart away.  

Mark. Mark. Mark.
His name was a throbbing, constant drumbeat
in the core of my being,
electrically charged by memories that accompanied each pulse.
Water, take it away, take it away!
I don't want to feel the weight of his eyes on me,
I don't want to feel the pull of his frustration, his confusion,
I don't want the responsibility for his desire or my own.
But unbidden his dark eyes rule me,
darker than the night,
deeper than the ocean,
more seductive and consuming
than the rain.