By Cyan
Date: 2002 Oct 28
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Better than Prozac

Mostly I prefer to be alone. Humans can be such a nuisance. Always judging, never loving. My doctor diagnosed me with the disease to please. I want say which "type" of doctor. Some things are best left untold. He's a good man though. I just don't think he understands me. Nobody does for that matter. I say the serenity prayer before going to bed, only to wake up the next morning and face the world with my best facade. "You're a walking contradiction", he says.

I don't know. Maybe he's on to something. Maybe he knows me better than I. Dr. John Doe is getting under my skin. I'm beginning to grow fond of the human race. I no longer desire to be alone.

He's holding me closer now. The carpet on his office floor feels quite comfy. (I hope he's not married.) I'll ask in the morning. I wouldn't dare spoil this moment.

Dr. John Doe is the best medicine I've ever had.