By Daniela
Date: 2002 Nov 16
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Too Late For Goodbye

It's late now -- too late for goodbye
sure enough your face appeared to mind
Too late for goodbye -- it's late now
Feelings stop time
And I feel frozen with your heart in mine
No directions to walk
No wings to fly
Just silence in time

Your face was sober with a straight stare in my eyes
The old romantic dare, but again not tonight
Memories rushed in of that look in your eyes
That look when in an instant time froze and
                                  forever seemed like now

do NOT write to me were your words so abrupt
and I recall the clue in writing and maybe it's not goodbye
space may distance us but THIS is close and brewing
a place to call home again without running for the exit sign

I recalled many feelings again... yes it's the learning that stands out... a unique experience with every doubt

I recalled our denials
I recalled our mind talking
I recalled all the bitterness of our burning hearts

The colors always stood out
Key in our thoughts sending thoughts

The mood always grasped us like we were in each others every thought

You were always cynical, or is that how you love...
You were always changing words from yes to no and left to right

The discourse is amazing
We never seem to give up
The devotion is pure and harmless
Yet we both fight with weapons and might
And in the end I realize that there isn't an end
And in the end I realize that it's just another
again and again

I don't know all the answers either
I don't know the why or how
I don't have any great wisdom here
To share and delight

I recalled the certainty tonight
That I was shaping you into a man
I recalled the certainty again
That It was GD and not I

And if we only have this playground
I accept how it is
Without the why, what if, and how
Just let it be Life.