By Daniela
Date: 2002 Dec 09
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Like a barking dog
I yelled to you
They were all my frustrations
With everything
Trying to run away.

You were mean...
I was meaner...

Because everything we do
I mean, everything we did

        didn't make sense
        didn't add up

And you!  Seeming to laugh at my every frustration.
Finding pleasure watching caught legs in the web of time.

Was it that funny?  Yeah, even I sometimes laugh.
Now I am laughing

Is was and is funny.  So much emotion in such little space and time...

Who would believe it?  Who could understand.  
No one really, but us... or just me... i don't know what you understand.  Sometimes I think that you don't want to understand.  All you want is to be left alone.  Is it true?  I was reading about the nature of reality today, and the point made was that nothing exists but our definitions make things exist.  Can you relate?  What is our definition of us?  Me?  I don't have one.