By Blue
Date: 2002 Dec 11
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NO: I want you
NO: I need you
NO: I miss you
NO: I am yours
NO: I love you
NO: You want me
NO: You need me
NO: You miss me
NO: You are mine
NO: I love you

Say what you mean, but you never say it...
Confusing little hints become a bag of marbles...

My initials dedicated, but the he is a she and she is a he.
    It doesn't make sense because you don't want it to.

    And we still play these little boy and little girl games
    And we still color each other over with circles
    Squares that look like triangles
    Stars that look like moons
    Planets that look like water
    Flowing over the hills of our hearts
    Lava over the mountains
    Snow looks like rain
    Rushing through.

And you play, and we play, and they play.
And you hide and seek and I hide and seek.
Plastic toy gun words
Ice cream laced with poison
Images passing
Trains connecting

I sit here knowing that you were probably here just before
We walk in the same space
We talk in the same space

Yet we manage to remain invisible.

Why don't you just tell me the truth once and for all.
Why don't you just spell it out for good.
    (there's always chance for revisions)

Change is good: how about NO MORE BLANK WORDS
How about we manage to say hello.

"No", I hear you say.
"No", You hear me say.

Why do our hearts speak to us in riddles?

NO:  Don't go.