By Daniela
Date: 2002 Dec 13
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I saw you today in my minds eye
We just have nothing to say
Because there is nothing to say
Because there is nothing between us
Because our hearts have taken a long vacation

And they're never coming back.

Still, you sat looking...
You know that look...
That stare...

And your eyes told me: that's not it hon.
Hmmmmm.... what is it then?  Because me?  I'm done.  I'm done understanding with I don't know because i just don't.

I don't think we want to know.
If we ever did, that idea died long ago.

And then again, I have to say, maybe my heart is going on vacation, but yours never went away to begin with...

Your heart never went away with me to zoom around the universe at night...

Still, you sat looking...
You know that look...
That stare...

And a little smile
You know that smile
The sarcastic and exaggerated amazement:

You said, "you don't know."  

I said, "i don't know."

You said, "then why are we still talking?"

I said, "do you have to answer everything?  do you really think that every question has an answer?  some things don't have an answer.  that is the anwswer: no-answer."

you said, "oh"

you said, "now, i think i really do need a vacation."

i said, "oh"

and now i'm telling you again: please take care of yourself and that home of your heart.  i broke my own, so don't follow my example and break yours.