By Daniela
Date: 2002 Dec 16
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Voice II

Your voice vibrates in the halls
Again and again I grasp for that moment
As if hidden in darkness, light shone upon your sound
And I froze.

Knots tied my stomach and I became frozen in the grasp of your voice.  I'm sorry I couldn't just be normal and say hello.

I rehearse just in case I hear your voice
one day, anyday, someday -- you never know.

I'll just assume I can be myself.  

No drifting, just walking the steps of my life,
again I say thank you for everything you could never be, would never be, and will never be.  For me, you are a voice stronger than pen in hand.  

My message is: learn how to use your voice without taking over the space.  Allow other voices to be heard like music of instruments creating a song.

Now I know that I jumped and gasped at your voice because it was your substitute for your passivity and just "jumped out" taking over and almost screaming to my heart... "what are you", "who are you", and "what do you want?"

It's o.k.  I'm over that now. I've moved on to hear many voices and many songs.