By LuLu
Date: 2003 Jan 13
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I used to have so many people to turn to,
so many that I trusted, so many that I "loved".
As the years go by I befriended new faces and
watched old ones go. Now I gazing at the small
cluster of souls I began to think I can trust and
ponder, on the many times I have been proven wrong.
I notice my "friends" throw things back
in my face. How they blame things on me,
how they dont even begin to understand me.
I they even want to understand me any more?
They claim to "love" me...but I dont believe them.
They claim to want to know the real me...but they dont.
I try so hard to tell them what I explain things
as best I cant. But why bother? No one will ever understand.
They dont care....everytime i try to tell them things...they throw it in my face, and yet...expect me to confide in them. Now ..looking at my list of trustables..all I see is 2 pet turtles, a dog, and God.