By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Jan 26
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I Run

Your the closes I've ever come

Moments etched into the soul

Sharing of a touch

The kiss that melts one down

The gaze that echoes into the depths
where others have never seen

Heated encounters shared by two
as the fire burns within

Souls gliding through the air
like children skipping with joy and laughter

Sun shinning bright each day I awake
with memories of yesterday, today and tomorrow

I am happy and contented as the birds sing my song

Why do I fear this so?
To lose this absolute control

Do I fear myself?
Is it I that is incapable of this
very feeling?

Is it fear of fear itself?

I run, I run

Not from this feeling,
but to the future that awaits to be embraced

You are the closes I have ever come.

January 22, 2003