By kevin urenda
Date: 2003 Jan 30
Comment on this Work

pinpointing the source

real emotions
are our very own set of ginsu knives
that can sever our ties with
what we consider normal in ourselves
stretching the bounds of being
safe within ourselves
to the point of breaking open
and revealing everything
we used to want to keep hidden
from the eyes of people
we know almost care

it is in the space where
our dreams exceed our reach
that the bitter aftertaste of 'almost'
congeals on the tongue of our memory
for we were better than that

we were always aware of
the understanding of 'us'
that embraced our desires like
newborns was as fleeting as
the vapor trails across the
skies of our dreams of being as one

but knowing that
has never dulled the hurt
from the sharp edges of those
real emotions
