By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Feb 06
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Horses and women

I watched as you put your boots on, straining with them,
with no clue that you'd ride out of my life soon,

Sunlight reflected from your hair, like gold in a prospector's pan, you sat the horse with an easy grace, you smote horseflies with the fierceness of a warrior.  Your smile broke through the shadows like a searchlight, and lit the path for me.

The shadows grew sharper as the heat of the day came, and I saw the forest with new eyes as I followed you along the trail.  What love was this that bled into the shadows, that revealed secrets best left untold?  Was this the end of a lifelong search to find a path through the darkness, or just an illusion, born of halted electronic conversations and brief assignations?  I felt in this moment as if the answer was there, just inches from my grasp, yet as I reached I saw it return behind the wall.

What was the question?