By kevin urenda
Date: 2003 Feb 07
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We worship memories
understanding nothing that
stands in the way of being
whole again out of a life
that has always wandered
into open doors and lost
itself dreaming what lies
behind the ones closed and bolted

These are the icons
decorating the walls of our consciousness
neatly arranged in rows
like children we wish
had retained their innocence forever
but these, too, are only snapshots
of places and faces we can only
visit once per lifetime
for living stops and waits for no one

The sun always crosses the sky
whether we see its face or not
and the records of these things
become family bibles that
we write in the front of
but never turn the page
to the words that might help us
make some sense of it all
for we've read the words before
and these too are nothing more
than mindless abstractions now
concepts of what these things
should have meant once
when once upon a time was in our grasp

10/7/02, 10/13/02