By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Feb 17
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There once was a man from Hot Springs
Who met the girl of his dreams
She said come along
But he did her real wrong
And he crashed as he flew without wings.

And then there's that gal from bell vistah
Who showed interest in Hot Springs Mistah
but he showed her his life
and dreamed of a wife
And she said, 'I'll just go play with sistah'

A man and his boy had a home
But this girl wouldn't leave him alone
So she came and made dinner
And he wound up a sinner
So he died without breaking a bone

The ragtop is rusting and broken
While he begs for a small little token
But she lets others woo
While she tells him to shoo
So he'll never ever quit smokin

The doctor said take some of these
You'll soon be as fit as you please
But the summer was hot
And too anxious he got
So he cut himself off at the knees

Another says new love awaits
But he sits with his guilt and he hates
His own lying self
And his cook, the cute elf
While hellfire eternal awaits

So let's ask the man from Hot Springs
Why his voice still mournfully sings
He'll say why sing a lovesong
When she won't sing along
I wish she'd keep pulling the strings

Her voice struck a chord in my heart
The first time I called her to start
What promised to be
Love so true and free
Then I had to go break it apart

Limerick is a new kind of fun
Cause you write five lines and your done
But she came to my shoulder
Like Sisyphus' boulder
And I ran and I lost and she won

I will always love you