By Ali Cecilie Sonder aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Feb 25
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Yes, in reflection, I've seen so much 
that has broken my poor heart.
So I'd hidden it away like a
gross deformity or something 
unworthy, not desirable to view
or available for restoration.
It is a wonder, in belated observation, 
I didn't toss it out in a sad day's trash, 
or pitch it into one of the deep seas. 
I marvel I didn't once or more bury it 
along with those who somehow took it 
and have gone on before me. 

But I didn't. Amazing grace or fortitude? 
I have it working well enough, I think, 
to let you take it in your hands 
to repair the cracks and broken pieces
with nothing more than sweet 
hugs and kisses. We imagine more. 

You see, I have trust in you
whose smile comes from the heart. 
    I've seen you work to mend 
    your own tatters and breaks 
    with smiling face and desire 
and the hope for a future, even a forever.

(c) 2003 Ali Cecilie Sonder aka Rennie Lorca