By Cyan
Date: 2003 Mar 05
Comment on this Work

Dark Side of the Moon

Running out of reasons to cry
Running out of reasons to be alone
Running out of reasons to be afraid

I cherish my sadness--as if I'm
betraying myself by allowing happiness

It's soothing to loathe in self-pity
Take away my dysphoria and you take
away the person
I fear change, but I'm running
out of reasons

Why am I this way?
Why do I want you to know
every horror I've lived through?
Am I misery loving company?
I think not.
I simply want you to know the real person.
What would I do if you only
fell in love with the brighter me,
but feel torn and rejected.

This may sound absurd, but what I'm trying to say is.................what I've been trying to tell you all along.........I'm running out of reasons to run away from you. I just couldn't find the words. Didn't want to let go
the dark side of the moon.