By Mysteriousone07
Date: 2003 Mar 13
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Like Me

Today was a weird day. I found out and I didn't know what to say. At first I didn't get it. I read it again and I got it. I wasn't like a girl when she finds out that a guy likes her And gets all excited. Nah I ain't like that.  I stay quiet and wrote back.  

At first I asked this:
Hugo, This is just a note so you can write on this. Hey have a question. Do you like anybody at our school? Cuz it seems like you're eager to know who it is and want it to be that person that you might like. I might be wrong, so sorry, if I'm like "whatever"

His words were:
I think I like someone or maybe I still do but they are not over Scott. So who likes me?

I in reply: Uh what? Anyways, don't tell anyone or make it obvious that you know but it's Kirstin (I think that's how you spell it)

He says: No. That sucks butt. Nevermind forget what I said you're kind of slow.

I said: Wait! I get the part with the No, etc, or whatnot. Hold on I'll read it again but I have to do classwork first.----Ok! Oh I See! You like me. LoL!! May I ask how so?

He in reply: Ask, I don't get it. There's rules now or something?

I said: Dork! Haha! No, I meant may I ask why you like me?

He said: I'm confused you want to know why or if it is ok if you could know?

I: Yeah! If you don't want to tell me that's cool =)

Him: Which one? 1 or 2?

I: 2!

Him: Yeah sure I mean it's not a bad thing is it?

I: No, I guess. So why? LoL

Him: So are you ready to go out? Where do you want to go?

I: Uh are you asking me out or are we just going to go out. There's a difference. And yeah but I can only stay until 2:30 so yeah.

Him: Right =)

I: Wait which one? 1 or 2?

Him: Which one do you think?

That's where it ended. He didn't even tell me the reason. Grr!! I was just curious why he did! Though he didn't end up telling me anyways. Weird day I say. Hahahaha. Ok sorry. But yeah. I knew I felt that he did. Since he told me that he was going to go to Arizona to study then I asked why and (I guess if I could remember) that I said something like Stay dork or go to RCC instead or something. And the next day he told me that he is staying. And with the clue when I said that I don't notice things when guys like me and he burst out saying: Oh so if I had a shirt that says in big letters "I like you" you wouldn't notice. I honestly said: No I won't actually I would ask you I like you? like that. Then afterwards it got me and told him: Hey wait a minute what? Though I just let it go and I think he didn't hear me. And today we went somewhere. And dang he admitted he LIKED ME. That's all I got to say.