By Champagne
Date: 2003 Mar 15
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Roller Coaster Romance

Up Up Up UP
slowly chugging along
knowing that the peak
is where we always want to be
The anticipation of all our dreams
the climax of all our schemes together
the thrill and shrill of the ride ahead
as we would come crashing down the other side
our stomachs flipping in our mouth
our hearts beating wildly
our speeding feelings
would bring us back
up the other side
to the next peak
to the new thrill
of our love
so new
racing again
as before we climb
climbing more and more
flying again toward the next apex
hugging and holding and gripping hands
arching and grasping each others arms and shoulders
screaming and gasping our breath in unison as we rise higher
and higher into the altitude of orgasmic delights
to feel the weightless moments of each fall
a life long roller coaster ride together
which we know will never end
for there is always another
hill to climb, followed
by another enthralling
fast falling drop
from the top
and back up
