By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Mar 22
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These emotions are eating me alive
how do I deal with them

I deal with them a day at a time
a moment at a time

I am entitled to feel these emotions
I have earned the right

two days ago I felt denial
this is not real
this is not happening

today I feel pain
because you have hurt me
cut my heart out
given it as a sacrifice

last week I felt bargaining
pleading to make it all work

yesterday, I felt angry
the anger protects me
from you hurting me again

in an hour I will feel hate
the hate justifies my pain
how dare you hurt me like this
you low life being

three minutes ago, I felt rejected
who do you think you are
rejecting someone who loved you so much
making me feel unworthy

seconds ago, I remembered
the good times
the laughter
the love

at this very moment
I feel numb
just numb
without feelings at all

but, in the future
I will accept
accept you for the person you are

and most of all
I will accept