By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Mar 22
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Hurting too

I knew when we started that we were at different levels of growth in our journey.  But, I never imagined that it would hurt me so bad when things ended.  The one thing I didn't think of was that maybe you hurt too.  I never ever imagined that I could hurt someone else, but they tell me I hurt you.  
When I ask for my items back and so much time had lapsed I was sure you did not care, and I could not understand why you had not returned them, but because of pain! That never crossed my mind.  All I wanted to do was scream bring them to me, so I could see you again and perhaps touch you, kiss you, and love you.
All I ever wanted was for you to love me, but because of my fear I would not allow you to love me and now it is impossible for you to.  I am so sorry, you will never fully understand the remorse that I have.  I am sure you feel like you were a dumping know where I brought all my past trash and unloaded on you.  You did not deserve that, you were always so kind and accepting of me, but I was blinded by these walls that surround me.  Oh how my God, my creator knows the pain that I feel.  Can you see it, could you hear it in my voice when we talked; I could hear it in yours or maybe I am still blinded and unaware of it.  Oh my God, I never imagined myself capable of harming another, please tell me that what they say is not true.
And please forgive me if it is.