By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Mar 24
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Soft Place to land

I hear the music when I thnk of you
How I always say the light is on, door is open
While you avoid the obvious connotation
Dancing around the issue like a moth around a bulb

The light airy banjo, the subtle bass
The smooth folksy voice of Tom Bodette too
Motel 6 is not our place, I'm far away
But the metaphor tells of my feeling for you

Not for you the safety of one, no not for you at all
It is the looking over the edge that keeps you alive
The knowing that although you might slip and fall
The edge is what makes your heart beat, and thrive

I am the soft place to land, like elevator music
White noise to blur the sharpness of reality
I am here, singing, living, but not at the edge
A radio muted low to pass the miles of your life

Tomorrow will be twelve days, but who is counting
There are other travellers standing with thumbs out
Without lumbering transport of their own, they seek
A ride out of their own darkness, or just a lift up

I leave the light on because I choose to, knowing
That I can cushion your fall
When you lose control at the edge of sanity, and fall
I will catch you, even if it kills me

I would crawl from this dark place, were it not
For the knowing that you will fall here, and it is my
Destiny to catch you, and to lift you up with dying breath
And take you back into the light, and the world

It is cold here, and dark, and frightening
I cannot stay too long, lest the demons oertake
My tortured soul, and negotiate, the deal
The trading of my soul for your life and love