By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Mar 25
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Hell's Half Acre

Bring me the warmth, the light
Early birds singing, evening chats on porch
The racket of squirrels flirting in the roof
The gentle warm rain, the burst of life

Lure with sweet song and gentle breezes
Away from the light box I've taken refuge in
Fertility and love are evident all around me
Oedipal in my desperation, I reach as babe to breast

Sweet spring, child of Mother Nature, bring
Hope to this weary man, life to this wasted battlefield
Make fertile hayfields where the fights were fought
Let my heart grow and my soul prosper once more

It is time to spring ahead, to rise early and retire late
Time to throw seed on rocky ground, and to watch the skies
This time let it not become too hot, too quickly
No late frost to wilt the early bloom

Mother I ask too much, this field is a hell's half acre
Too rocky and broken to sustain anything other
Than bitter weeds and transient dandelions
And provide home for the demons of the dark

I have seen other fields less promising explode
With new growth, color and beauty, hope and joy
They become safe haven, refuge for life and love
Dear Mother shine the light of your love on me