By Galadrial
Date: 2003 Apr 01
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finite ticks of the heart

mourning the love gone
as so many have done,
you feel the hollow more deeply
after the midnight strike
and somewhere a voice speaks
that says love
only lives for so many ticks
so many seconds,
or minutes,
or hours,
and the only thing worse
than love that never arrived
is the love you held with both arms,
wrapped softly in the layers
that were all you had,

Blame is a cheap trick,
that works less well
each time we pull it
like a penny from behind
a lover's ear.
And i know i did love you,
and once you did love me
only now all I can hear
is the finite ticks
that say
I am more alone now,
then ever i knew
on the nights
when my sheets wept
to shelter more than I.