By Stack
Date: 2003 Apr 05
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the ancient nameless poet sang:

"If I were an eagle and had wings for to fly
I would fly to her castle and there I would lie"

fell today
half a world away,
like a wounded bird

I read of it hours too late
to help

to cradle you in my arms and kiss away the pain
to help you to the doctor's
(only a block away, longer than a lightyear)
to mop your sore brow with a cool cloth
even as my body warmed away the shock chills

my dark angel,
my silver flower,
my long-lost, new-found beyond-beloved

my heart is here,
beating in fear
in my chest, yet I would
that it were there, pillowed
under your aching head

letting you hear my love,
letting the slow beat, like wings,
soothe your rest
and help you

"On a bed of green laurel I would lay myself down
And with my fond wings I would my love surround"